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With a refreshing fruity scent and a light texture, the GROW Serum Spray combines highly effective natural ingredients to transform hair, making it visibly thicker, stronger and more vibrant after only 3 weeks of use.
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Thousands of customers are already enjoying
the effects of GROW!
GROW is a natural hair serum that can stimulate hair growth, boost hair density, and protect from hair loss. You can see improvement in your hair health and condition within 3 weeks of use. It is easy to apply: you spray it on wet or dry hair, massage it onto the scalp, and leave it to dry out.
Our hair serum for growth contains a potent natural ingredient with laboratory-proven effect and works in 6 directions to transform your hair:
Also, GROW offers seamless application with no undesirable effects:
Our natural hair serum is so effective because of its key ingredients.
First, a natural active ingredient, a mix of arugula leaves, green walnuts, and green grapes, with clinically tested and proven effectiveness at reducing hair loss and improving thinning hair. Second, vitamins B3, B5, and B6. Each has a unique role in supporting scalp health and hair growth. And last, nourishing coconut and aloe vera extracts.
For best results, combine it with our HAIR Oil Mask. Use the oil mask for a deep oiling pre-wash treatment. Then, after you wash your hair, apply GROW hair serum while the hair is still wet, gently massaging it onto your scalp, so that the natural active ingredients, vitamins, and antioxidants fully absorb in it.
To see results, you should use it at least twice a week. As it is a natural product, it is safe to use it every day, or as often as you wish.
It is in the range of 3.5 to 6.5, ensuring optimal conditions for scalp health and hair growth.
Amazing! It has a refreshing fruity aroma our clients love.
GROW Hair Growth Serum is suitable for all hair types and they all benefit from its effects. Its lightweight non-greasy formula makes it perfect for oily hair or hair with oily scalp. The aloe vera and coconut extracts with their moisturizing properties are suitable for dry hair and dry and dehydrated scalp.
When choosing a hair growth serum, look for natural active ingredients, vitamins, and plant extracts like aloe vera to promote growth and scalp health. Match the serum to your hair type—opt for lightweight, non-greasy formulas for oily scalps, and moisturizing ingredients for dry scalps.
Avoid products with harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and silicones. Finally, check reviews and research for effectiveness, and choose packaging with precise applicators for easy use.
Our hair growth serum checks all the boxes when searching for an effective, yet natural and safe product:
Try GROW and see your hair get denser, thicker, and stronger in just 3 weeks.
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Ароматът е уникален, действието- още повече!
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Очаквах, че косата ще се омазнява, предвид консистенцията, но се оказа, че няма такова нещо, напротив- косата е мека, лека и жизнена. Ползвам го и на влажна, и на суха коса, и ефекта е Уау :) още повече, че имам облекчение на скалпа в предната част на главата, където има постоянно лющене на кожата, поради себореен дерматит.
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Cel mai “dulce” spray! Îți vine sa îl savurezi într-un pahar, in timp ce stai la plaja!☀️ Pe langa mirosul super exotic, beneficiile pe care le-a adus parului meu sunt de nota 10. Multumesc Cocosolis🫶:skin-tone-2:!
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Produs excelent, cum era de asteptat.
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Oare trebuie sa spun cât îmi place dacă în o luna am folosit unu și mai bine de un sfert din al doilea produs ! Parul e mult mai sănătos și se vede cu ochii cum creste
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Il ador de la felul cum miroase până la textura lejera care nu încarcă părul DELOC😍Il recomand cu mare drag!
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Excelent, nu încărca părul, miroase delicat, floral, iar părul arată bine dupa uscare. Il voi comanda din nou
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Este produto é incrível, tinha imensas falhas e o cabelo cresceu super rápido! Uma embalagem dura 4 meses a usar todos os dias que lavo o cabelo. Já comprei a segunda! E sim faz o que promete! O melhor produto de cabelo que experimentei até hoje! Recomendo
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Používám pravidelně a už rok a půl. Vlasy jsou husté, netřepí se mi konečky.
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