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We present to you GLOW Shimmer Oil –a glowing dry oil with shiny particles and organic natural ingredients.
The specially created formula makes the skin radiant and gives it a luxurious feeling, lightness and shine, while the rich blend of organic oils and natural vitamin E hydrates and nourishes deeply. Makes the skin silky smooth and soft.
Use year-round on the body and face. In the evening, during the day, after a shower or at the beach, apply to enhance your tan and the colour of your skin and to give it a shine.
Be the star of the night with GLOW Shimmer Oil!
To make your skin radiant, smooth and shiny, mix in your hand a little GLOW Shimmer Oil with lotion or body oil. Apply to your legs, hands and décolleté. Finish with a little pure GLOW Shimmer Oil as an emphasis on your cheekbones, shoulders and décolleté.
Add sparkle
to your
everyday life!
Oh yes, GLOW Shimmer Oil also suitable for your face! Use every day to add a shine to your neckline and face. Apply as an accent after makeup or mix it with a few drops of foundation.
…Or just use it daily after a shower on wet or dry skin as a nourishing body oil.
at the
Use GLOW Shimmer Oil at the beach to enhance your suntan and make your skin shine. First, apply Suntan & Body Oil, then emphasize the beauty of your skin with GLOW Shimmer Oil. Apply to your legs, hands, abdomen, décolleté and cheekbones.
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Makes the skin soft and gentle to the touch. Helps to retain moisture in the skin and restore its protective functions against drying and peeling. Absorbs easily – no greasy layer on the skin.
An excellent moisturizer that softens the skin, making it smoother than ever before. Penetrates deeply and restores skin cells. Naturally rich in vitamin E and a number of other vitamins and minerals. With its healing properties it nourishes the tissue and improves skin regeneration.
Improves your tan, preserves the skin’s elasticity, softens and nourishes. Stimulates renewal of the epidermis and effectively combats stretch marks. Not too oily, and absorbs easily.
Penetrates deeply and stimulates the growth and regeneration of new cells. Wonderful rejuvenating properties. Acts as an anti-inflammatory, soothes and enriches the skin with natural vitamins and minerals. Balances the production of sebum and prevents the appearance of acne.
Lightly, gently and quickly absorbed, this valuable oil helps restore the skin’s natural water balance and significantly improves its elasticity, slowing down the ageing process. Smoothes the skin’s surface and gives it a healthy glow.
Powerful regenerating effects, stimulating cell renewal and restoring the moisture and freshness of the skin. Makes it resistant to drying and wrinkles.
919 reviews
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Z tohoto Shimmeru jsem nadšená - krásně tónuje, projasní a hází třpytivé odlesky. Sečteno podtrženo prostě nohy jako z katalogu! Využívám ráda prakticky každý den, i na doma, na výlety, ale i na focení, na fotkách to dělá perfektní efekt a pokožka vypadá nádherně svěže i v realitě. Vzbuzuje spoustu pozitivních ohlasů a zájmu. Vřele doporučuji, nejen všem, které jako já řeší pořád suché nohy. A nesmím opomenout příjemnou sušenkovou vůni. ;-)
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Me encanta!
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En complément de l'huile au chocolat avec celui-ci on un teint étincelant et le bronzage est doré. Facile à appliquer très agréable. La peau est très hydraté et une fois essayé on ne peut plus s'en passer
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Objevila jsem vloni a nemůžu bez něj v létě existovat,už mám zásobu i na letos... udělá krasnej finiši na opálené pokožce.
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Que du positif dans la découverte de ce produit 🤩 il brille , il a une odeur fantastique ! Il est agréable à l application et ne reste pas gras sur la peau... super achat !
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Une tuerie!
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Hace poco que estoy usando este producto y me parece que va a ser uno de mis imprescindibles. Recomendable 100x100
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number one, first clasc *****
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Fan, laisse une peau douce et hydratée. Une odeur caramel doux et agréable
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