Welcome to our website (“”). These Terms of Use govern the access to and the use of COCOSOLIS.COM.
Accessing and using the website as well as purchasing products from COCOSOLIS.COM are based on the assumption that by opening this Website on their device, the User expresses their consent to familiarize themselves with the present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website and with the adjacent annexes.
These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement which governs the relations between PURMERUL OOD in its capacity as the administrator of the website and its end users.
This agreement shall be applied to the information services and systems, accessible through the Website, its mobile versions as well as any other application or service which is or could be related to the Website. This agreement shall be effective until the User stops using the services accessible through the Website.
PURMERUL OOD is a commercial company having its headquarters and managing address in City of Plovdiv 4002, Central region, 22 Lyuleburgaz str., fl. 4, ap. 9. The company is entered into the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency under unified identification code 201172065.
For other legal information, please refer to the sections: General Purchase Rules, Return Policy and Personal Data Policy at COCOSOLIS.COM.
The purpose of the Website is expressed in the following main directions:
The access to COCOSOLIS.COM and its use, including showing web pages, communication with COCOSOLIS.COM and the related websites and social media resources and making purchases through the Internet page, shall be done by our users entirely for personal purposes which in no case should be associated with any commercial, trade or professional activity.
COCOSOLIS.COM shall not be held liable for any use of the website or its content by any of its users which does not comply with the laws and legal regulations. In particular, you can be held liable for using inaccurate, false information or data concerning third persons (in case the third party has not consented to this) as well as for any illicit use of such data or information.
If you wish to use our services you should be of full age and you will have to accept these Terms and Conditions. By accepting these Terms and Conditions the User agrees that the communication with them shall be made through the available communication channels – telephone, email, SMS and other electronic channels. The User agrees to be the recipient and to receive electronic declarations from the Website and its administrator.
The Parties agree that the messages sent by electronic mail constitute electronic declarations and their accompanying information represents an identification of the author as the holder of these electronic declarations and a digital signature which is acknowledged as the equivalent of a handwritten signature in their relations.
In order to use our services, you can purchase the products also by registering on the website. The registration is free of charge. The User can cancel the registration at any given moment. The User agrees to provide full, accurate and precise information both during the registration and when placing an order without registration. The access rights are personal and cannot be transferred to third parties. We shall not be held liable for unauthorized access to your profile.
We also recommend that you read the Privacy Policy, which also applies if users access COCOSOLIS.COM and use the relevant services without making purchases. The Privacy Policy will help you understand how and for what purposes COCOSOLIS.COM collects and uses your personal data.
The User has the right of real-time (online) access to the Services provided through the Website while complying with the access requirements.
The right of access provided to the User does not include the right to copy or reproduce information or to use protected objects of intellectual or industrial property, except of insignificant bits of information intended for personal use, provided that such use does not harm the legal interests of the authors or other holders of intellectual or industrial property rights and that the copying or reproducing is done with non-profit purposes.
The content of COCOSOLIS.COM, including, but without limiting to, works, images, pictures, dialogs, music, sounds, video clips, documents, drawings, figures, logo and any other materials published at COCOSOLIS.COM in any format including menus, web pages, graphics, colours, schemes, tools, fonts, website design, diagrams, plans, methods, processes, functions and software which are part of COCOSOLIS.COM, are protected by copyright and by any other intellectual property right of COCOSOLIS.COM and of the relevant holders of rights. Reproducing COCOSOLIS.COM and its content, either fully or partially and regardless of the form, is not allowed without the written consent of COCOSOLIS.COM.
COCOSOLIS.COM has the exclusive right to allow or prohibit any reproduction (regardless if direct or indirect, temporary or permanent or due to any other reason or in any form, either fully or partially) of COCOSOLIS.COM and its content.
The authors of the works published at COCOSOLIS.COM have the right at any given moment to claim the authorship of their works and to oppose to any distortion or other modification of their works including any changes of their works which may have a negative effect on the honour and reputation of the relevant authors.
The users of our website are obliged to comply with the copyrights of the authors who have chosen to publish their work at COCOSOLIS.COM or have cooperated with COCOSOLIS.COM in creating new expressive and artistic works which are intended for publishing not only on the website or which are an integral part of it.
In any case the use of the content of the website or any separate work protected by copyright or by any other intellectual property right is not be allowed in any way or in any form.
PURMERUL OOD is the exclusive owner of the logos and the registered trademark “COCOSOLIS” and of any other sign including the word “COCOSOLIS” and the domain name “COCOSOLIS.COM”.
PURMERUL OOD has the right of exclusive use of the own trademarks.
Using these trademarks for other products or services without the consent of PURMERUL OOD is not allowed. contains links to other websites which are not related in any way to COCOSOLIS.COM.
COCOSOLIS.COM does not control these websites or their content. COCOSOLIS.COM shall not be held liable for the content of these websites and/or for the rules accepted by them regarding, without being limited to, your personal data when you visit them. These third parties probably collect user personal data and the rules for this are regulated in accordance with the general terms and conditions of use and personal data protection adopted by these parties. Please, when accessing those websites using the links provided at COCOSOLIS.COM, read carefully their rules and conditions of use as well as their privacy rules. Our Terms and Conditions of Use and Personal Data Policy are not applicable to the websites of third persons.
COCOSOLIS.COM strives to prevent publishing on its Internet page content which may be considered as violating civil convictions or human rights and dignities in all of their forms and expressions. However, COCOSOLIS.COM cannot guarantee that the content of the website is suitable or legal for any audience or that it is legal in all countries.
In case such content is considered illegal in any of these countries we will not be held liable for your decision to visit and use our website. If despite that, you decide to use it, we inform you that the use of the services provided by COCOSOLIS. COM is entirely at your own risk.
COCOSOLIS.COM undertakes measures to guarantee that the content at COCOSOLIS.COM is accurate and does not contain incorrect or outdated information. Although COCOSOLIS.COM cannot be held liable for the precision and entirety of the content published on its Internet page.
COCOSOLIS.COM cannot guarantee that the website will operate continuously, without any interruptions or errors due to Internet connection. In the event of any issue when using our website, please contact us. A COCOSOLIS.COM representative will be at your disposal to cooperate and assist to restore your access to the website, if and as far as possible.
COCOSOLIS.COM adopts adequate technical and organizational measures to provide security of the services at COCOSOLIS.COM with a view to prevent unauthorized data use or access as well as to prevent the risks of disclosure, destruction or loss of data and confidential information concerning the users of COCOSOLIS.COM and also to avoid unauthorized or illegal access to such data and information.
The User has the right to use the website within the limitations described in the above i. 2 Intellectual Property.
When using the provided Services the User is obliged:
The Company provides the Services to be used by the User through the Website “as they are” and “as they are accessible”. The Company does not guarantee or promise specific results from the use or a permanent possibility to use the Services.
The Company cannot provide guarantees that:
In no circumstances will the Company be held liable for any loss, malfunction or damage arising from:
The Company will not be held liable in case the User cannot access the Website due to issues which are out of the control of the Website – software, hardware problem, Internet connection issues or force majeure circumstances.
The User accepts to be responsible for all costs concerning the maintenance, operation or connection of their own computer system or another property needed by the User to use the Services.
The Company shall preserve the right to carry out a system intervention in the entire functionality of the Website including, but without limiting to, in order to suspend the access to it in the presence of any reasonable cause for such.
Up to the full scope admissible by the applicable legislation, the Company shall not be held liable for damages suffered by the User which are: 1. indirect; 2. subsequent; 3. incident; 4. penal, including for damages for lost profits arising from the use or of the lack of possibility to use the Services.
Notwithstanding the above the liability of the Company to the User for any action or lack of action related to or due to using the Services shall always be limited to a default amounting to the value of the purchase made. In the event of lack of purchase the Company shall not be held liable for any own actions or lack of actions.
COCOSOLIS.COM can modify or update all or part of these Terms and Conditions of Use. In such case the up-to-date information will be published in this section. The new Terms and Conditions of Use should become effective as of the date of publishing them at COCOSOLIS.COM.
If you do not agree with all or part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of COCOSOLIS.COM, we shall not be held liable for your decision to visit and to use our website.
This agreement shall become effective immediately at the moment it is accepted by the User and shall be valid until the use of the services is stopped.
When implementing this agreement, the Parties shall accept as the main principle the mutual understanding or reasonable compromise. To that effect, the Parties agree to solve any disputes between them in the spirit of goodwill and through negotiations.
Any dispute, argument or claim arising from or related to the implementation or lack of implementation, respectively, should be solved by the Parties through negotiations and with the goodwill of both.
In the event of impossibility to solve the disputes arising from or due to this agreement, its implementation or lack of implementation, respectively, the Parties accept to refer those disputes to the respective competent court determined according to the jurisdiction rules. In case of private dispute with an international element, the court which is competent to hear the case should be determined according to the rules of private international law.
The applicable legislation and court under this agreement shall the legislation of the country where the controller is registered, that is the Republic of Bulgaria.
Last update 04/07/2020